maandag 6 oktober 2014

The scorpion and the frog

A scorpion asks a frog to carry him over a river. The frog is afraid of being stung during the trip, but the scorpion argues that if it stung the frog, both would sink and the scorpion would drown. The frog agrees and begins carrying the scorpion, but midway across the river the scorpion does indeed sting the frog, dooming them both. When asked why, the scorpion points out that this is its nature. The fable is used to illustrate the position that no change can be made in the behaviour of the fundamentally vicious.

Space Hubble Telescope

The vanishing of Ethan Carter

The vanishing of Ethan Carter came out this past september on Steam. You play a detective who has to find Ethan Carter. This game is all about the narrative, scenery and atmosphere. This isn't an action/adventure game. This is very similar to Dear Esther.


Drive is a movie from 2011 and in my opinion one of the most underrated films from at least that year. It's about a stuntman who befriends a neighbour and things spiral out of control when he tries to protect his neighbour's family. Drive is not your typical action movie. It really, really isn't and should not be viewed as one. The movie speaks through  body language, color, lighting, atmosphere, camera view and silence. Sure, dialogue is present, but most of the dialogue comes from the aforementioned things. As you can see from the above pictures, the blue-orange contrast is heavily used, but that is just one of the many color schemes used. It's hard to tell more, you just gotta see it. Plus the soundtrack is awesome.

vrijdag 3 oktober 2014


Alien(1979) was a very revolutionary movie for its time. Relative unknown actress Sigourney Weaver is part of a spaceship that carries cargo. They pick up a distress signal from a nearby planet and decide to check it out. They shouldn't have. Alien is a very compelling, thrilling and scary movie. One of the things it doesn't do is make use of extensive CGI, something that Star Wars did. It makes it rawer or I don't know how to call it.



Fargo ( movie and series )

These stills are from the serie Fargo(2014), based on the movie Fargo(1996). Lester Nygaard is the prime example of a loser. He has a crap job, is still being bullied by his high school bully and his wife thinks he's a pussy. After another harassment by his bully, he ends up in the hospital where he meets Lorne Malvo. After this meeting, his life begins to change. Fargo looks simple on the outside, but its stories go deeper than the snow. It also has very pretty stills/scenery. Fargo is a rather slow serie.

Fargo the movie (1996) is where it starts. Jerry Lundegaard comes up with a plan to have his wife kidnapped, so that her parents pay money, therefor him receiving part of the money. However, the kidnapping goes wrong when the parents do everything they can to save their daughter. The serie Fargo does show connections with the movie, but the characters are all different.